Welcome to BTCLotto

The first and only fully transparent, anonymous, live "Lucky Draw"

Watch Live Draw
(Link will be active on the day of draw)
Send your entries to the following address.
no info required, your sender address will be put in the draw
Winning addresses will be listed here until the next draw

Wallet Balance: 0 BTC
1 Entry = 10,000 sats (0.0001 BTC)
(Payouts will be sent to the same address you use to buy entries)
- Bi-weekly draws every 1st and 3rd saturday unless the total proceeds are less than 1 BTC in which case the draw and all entries will be moved to the next due date.
- 10 winners plus 1 jackpot draw each time.
- Draw amounts declared on the day of draw (depends on total proceeds).
- Play anonymously, instant payouts to the same address.
- Buy as many entries as you want. Send multiples of amount shown above.
